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With the recent news about Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have fielded several questions about the virus and swimming pools/hot tubs. Following is a statement from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control):According to the CDC, there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools and hot tubs. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

Man Oh Man It’s Labor Day!

Slacker Thursday…that’s what this day has been!  Man Oh Man has it been a long day!  The Pool Refs fam is in the middle of moving and I have not had time ALL day to post!

So…I will give a nice little labor day post!

It will be over 100 degrees here all weekend…but mid 70’s at night which is nice…Labor Day should cool off with a small chance of T-storms….so maybe no pool or lake time??  Who knows with Texas right?!  Anyways…keep water by your side at all times if you’re outside..if not……

Spend time with your family!  If it’s not pool side maybe it can be lake side (or unpacking like we will be ;)) Host a mini campfire filled with s’mores!  (This post is my favorite take on s’mores this summer! Thanks

You know what would be really fun pool side if you threw a ton of glow sticks in the pool and played a night time diving game!  After all, the kiddos will be out of school on Monday!

For any more pool side ideas, check out my grad party post here.

Stay safe and have fun!

Love, The Pool Referees Team