With the recent news about Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have fielded several questions about the virus and swimming pools/hot tubs. Following is a statement from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control):According to the CDC, there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools and hot tubs. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.


My pool is green! What does that mean?

The green is algae.  The cause for algae could be a variety of things; the most common cause is lack of proper filtration.

Why is my filter pressure high?

Filters need to be maintained, high pressure usually means a lack of maintenance on your filter.  As there are many different types of filters it is best to ask a professional or refer to your owner’s manual on proper maintenance.

Why is there a white build up along the water line of my pool?

This usually means that your Saturation Index is not in balance. Saturation index is calculated with five proper water balance factors: pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, temperature and total dissolved solids. It is always important to know this level. If the level is above 0.4 your water will deposit calcium, however if it is below ‐ 0.4 it will pull calcium from your plaster, grout and tile or any other surface it contacts.

How do I remove the calcium build up along the water line in my pool?

First and foremost determine the root cause of the deposits. This can be a challenge to remove. Raising the water level above the calcium line and chemically treating the water is effective, however it can take a couple of months. Some elbow grease and a pumice stone or a diluted acid wash can also solve your problem.

When should I backwash my DE filter?

You can refer to your owner’s manual on when you should backwash your filter. It is based on pressure increase. Typically 10-12 psi above the pressure when the filter was last disassembled and cleaned properly.

Why will my pump not prime with water?

The typical problem associated with a non-priming pump is that you have an air leak on the suction side. The leak occurs most often at the fitting where the plumbing meets the pump. It is also common for a valve located on the suction side to be letting air in.

When I pre-coat my DE filter why does the DE shoot out of the pool returns?

This means that you could have re‐assembled it incorrectly or something is broken in the filter, whether it is an internal air bleed or a grid that has a hole in it. Be sure to thoroughly inspect all components when cleaning the

You offer packages for servicing. What exactly is right for me?

The service that is right for you depends on many different factors. The amount of foliage around your pool, what equipment you have, the condition the pool is in, how many gallons of water to treat, etc. This is why we offer free quotes based on the individual needs of each pool.

Why do I constantly have to add water to my pool?

There are many factors that can contribute to this. Consider that evaporation in the summer heat will take water out of your pool. First step would be to look for any obvious leaks at the equipment pad. Also look in the area surrounding the pool for puddles of water or squishy patches. If you cannot spot a clear leak it is best to get a professional leak detection specialist.

How long do I need to run my pump for?

Although this question has many different variables that contribute to how long you should run your pump, our general suggestion is to run the pump 1 hour per every 10 degrees fahrenheit of the average outside temperature. Example: the outside average temperature is 90 degrees fahrenheit, run the pump for 9 hours.

How often do I need to clean out the skimmer baskets?

This will be determined by how much vegetation you have around your pool… and how much actually falls into you pool and is accumulated by your skimmers. You should get into the habit of checking them at least once a day. If you notice that they are not filling up then you can do it once every two days and so on… be conscious of the seasons (i.e. the fall time when there tends to be more foliage).

How often do I change the bag in my pool cleaner?

This will be determined by how much vegetation you have around your pool… and how much actually falls into you pool and is accumulated by your cleaner. You should get into the habit of checking it at least once a day. If you notice that they are not filling up then you can do it once every two days and so on… be conscious of the seasons (i.e. the fall time when there tends to be more foliage).

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